Thursday, November 08, 2007


It appears Brandon is going through his tourettes phase again, with spontaneous yelps for no reason at all. I spy on him as he watches T.V. and out pops the occasional "YEAOWWW".

Brandon, are you aware you're making noises? "No I'm not....YEAOWWW".

This is probably why his teacher called last week to discuss Brandon's behavior during class. I wish teachers would just come out and say it instead of beating around the bush, "your god-damned kid is disturbing my classroom". Don't tell me his attention span waivers, don't tell me he's disorganized, and don't tell me his academics are fine but maybe an aid will settle him down. Jesus Murphy, tell me he's yelping!

Then maybe I can tell you prior to the sounds there were arm flips, like a huge chicken wing flapping up to make an armpit fart. Or maybe the eye squints, or the head jolts, or the hysterical cries in the morning, "Please don't make me go to school...please!"

Then maybe I can tell you prior to all these tourette-like symptoms, he was being beaten up and bullied by bigger boys. You would have heard about the bus incident when a Grade 10 boy held him down and rubbed a penny up and down his main artery in his arm...just to see it bruise. And the retarded bus driver did nothing about it but make Brandon sit up front with her.

Or the group of Grade 7 boys who snatched his bike away from him, rode the crap out of it trying to break the suspension, then throw it down the creek, followed by ripping his bike helmet off his head to spit inside it.

Or more recently, how he is being verbally abused by a drunkard father of some kid who falsely accused Brandon of lighting fire in their shithole of a townhouse complex. And when he walks home from school he is intimidated by brow-beating glares by that boy's skank mom.

And yesterday, when a kid grabbed Brandon by the neck and began choking him...he could barely get the words out, "I can't breathe".

Brandon walks inside the house and plops himself down, as if nothing happened at all. After a few minutes or so, he slowly begins to tell me what happened, almost like he's embarrassed or ashamed, "YEAOWWW".
He's worried I'm going to tattletale.

I've had enough of this bullshit and called the school principal today. I want a stop to this nonsense, but these bunch of hypocrites advocating a 'no bully - no tolerance rule' would rather incite instances when Brandon was being lippy. Okay, you know what, he's in Grade 5 and I don't care if he told someone to fuck off, he's still a little boy and shouldn't be strangled. And, while I'm speaking to you, I want you to investigate a mom who picks up her kid at school, too.

When Brandon came home from school today we had our regular little chat about our day, then off he went for a snack, settled himself down nearby to watch Scooby-Doo, and as I blogged and googled away, nary a whisper or a wimp, did I realize the silence.

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