Monday, November 25, 2019

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy .... NOT

My work shifts have recently changed and I am slowly adapting to my new sleep patterns. Thankfully, the graveyard shifts have gone, but this realm of daytime activity and being with the family enliven me. I accomplish so much now. For example, I was up at 6:00am today, cleaned the kitchen, unloaded/loaded dishwasher, 2 loads of laundry, posted ads on Craigslist selling used tires and never worn Miu Miu boots. I made a profit of $250.00 by 1:00pm. I went shopping, dilly-dallied at Michaels, the Dollar Store and returned home to peel a 10lb bag of spuds, mashed to perfection to accompany my perfectly marinated chicken breasts & steamed broccoli, while simultaneously preparing ingredients for a banana bread recipe I found on Facebook using the coconut flour I just purchased a few hours earlier from the new Winners store at the Semiahmoo Mall in White Rock. Life is accelerated at daytime. Tomorrow I go to physiotherapy for pain management for my woe-is-me hip, as I anxiously await that surgeon's phone call for consultation for hip replacement.

BTW: banana bread was awesome! Hip started to act up again. Last year I was diagnosed having Crohns, necessitating huge doses of steroids, which probably is the culprit for my now decreasing bone deterioration. I need medicine to control the pain and some of these are scary, addicting things. I take minimal amounts, or go without sleep. Lying down hurts like hell. The pain can be described like this: they shoot horses. Anyways, I wrestle through it. Hope carries me on, the love of my job and my family, and clearance sales at Winners, of course.