Thursday, June 06, 2013

Due Diligence

Trust me, there is a reason for this musical interlude.

Nothing new to report, other than the re-hiring of a person, whose profile already has whispers of fraud and stealing company money and paying for son's wedding and being in charge and control, with utterly no supervision or guidance from lazy owners, taking advantage and stealing revenue and court proceedings and newspaper headlines. Acquittal : I don't know but it sure left a sour outcome in the spittoon of sales that dwindled to virtually nothing. Nothing.

Somehow, her name farted out from some other Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte, also in process of rejoining the company, because she knows it so well and hides the processes and procedures equally well. She knows we're fucked without her. She's famous and everybody loves her.

We've rehired her, too. They are so stupid! --- lessons learned, people, lessons learned. Sadly, the new owners are desperate to make money (as all new business owners feel when making little revenue at the start) but to be honest with you, if I KNEW ALL THIS SHIT WENT DOWN, THEN WHY DON'T THEY -- DIDN'T THEY DO THEIR DUE DILIGENCE!!!

Hence, they need someone like ME, sadly, they will never know. So I happily attach a song and let the days progress. I await my eventual dismissal. Lessons learned. Lessons learned.

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