Thursday, June 21, 2007

What 42 Loonies Can Buy You

It was my dad's birthday a few days ago. I'm not suppose to say how old he is because my mom doesn't want people to know she's married to an old man. He's not that old, but I can understand the logic, since I don't tell people my real age anymore either.

Here's what she said about the birthday lobster:

It was flown in from the Atlantic and cooked alive. It started off seeming like it was going to be too much work to be worthwhile but once i got started it was excellent except the dumbo waitress didnt know enough to give me another plate or garbage pail or something to put my shells in. My plate was huge but had a mountain of shells on it before i was even half finished. I had to move my potato to my little bun plate and ended up eating it off that which was awkward as hell, especially since said dumbo took my dinner knife and i had to use the huge lobster knife.
Could have used more sour cream or the whipped butter that was provided with the buns but dumbo had already taken it away. I was guarding my fork with my life.

Dad got the steak and lobster...but only the lobster tail, and it cost 38 loonies...I probably would have gone for the full lobster.

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