Saturday, May 12, 2007

The Good Samaritan

You are a good samaritan, you have no legal duty to being helpful to another human being, when they are sick, in a car accident, or passed out in an aisle at Safeway. You are a good samaritan when you stop and care about the well being of this injured person.

Don't assume the next person will do have to do it, whether you have First Aid training or not, having someone with you helps. Even if you just yell out for this person "I need help!!" is enough to bring this person to recovery. Don't leave them, stay with them and comfort them as much as you can.

If you are a First Aider, then begin your ESM and primary survey,
but I'm not writing about First Aid protocols. I'm writing about the average man or woman or child,
who has no clue what to do when they come across a person who needs medical attention.

I believe our schools should begin teaching our children First Aid, as early as possible. The most basic course takes only a day (8 hours) or could be split into smaller classroom periods. We should ALL KNOW CPR.

It's as simple as remembering 30 then 2....30 then 2.....30 compressions, 2 ventilations (2 breaths in)...30 compressions, 2 breaths, 30 compressions - 2 breaths....

It's as easy as your A ...B.....C's'

airway, breathing, circulation.

But, now I'm getting into other stuff that will bore need to get the book, need to sign up at a St.John's Ambulance course.....and become confident like me...brag about new life-saving skills. Yes....I feel like I can save the world, and so can you! Take the course.

Saving someone's life is crucial, empowering,'s hard to explain individual experiences.
You become the Good Samaritan, with no fan fare, no write-up in the papers, the ambulance drivers even ignore you at the scene. But you are the Good Samaritan, who may have just saved a life of another human being............... and just knowing that is good enough.

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