Friday, November 09, 2007

Oh Me Oh My...the Misery

I joined the TheMomBlogs last week, linking myself to another social group in the hopes of finding interesting blogs or anecdotes from other moms from across the world, to communicate with other women from different cultures and backgrounds and family life, struggles and victories.

However, I didn't know this group had a rating scale attached to it, that other members rate your blog, elevating your star ranking from 1 yellow star to 5 yellow stars. So I logged in and sure enough, there is a scale of:


I then asked my sister to rate me, Cool!, because damn-it...I'm cool, what can I say, but I was merely hoping the "Newbie" flag would be removed from my member name. I had no idea this rating meant a pissing battle of yellow stars because someone out there has ranked me out of my five star rank. Go on cunt, rate me jealous, mindless skank...what was that?, did I just hear my star ranking drop to two stars.

Can't people survive without being acknowledged? It's a goddamned social area for pete's sake, until you actually start visiting other member's sites, you discover they're pastors' wives living in isolated wheat fields in Saskatewan knitting baby bonnets for their triplets, or moms in the midwest, reminiscing their glory days of sex because now they're eight months along and can't use vibrators anymore....and the majority of these members appear shy, timid, lonely, blushing into their monitors as they read the initimate details of some woman who just wants to garner a giggly "cool!" rating, then she posts another rant about performing coitus and her profile tells us she has 6 kids.

I choose to remember motherhood differently. The majority of momblogs I read are about newborns and here and now, which is fine, but I am also a mom of young children and I also have a mom, who mothered me...and she didn't need five yellow fucking stars to tell her who she was....

I love you mom. Thanks for making me a leader and not a follower.

I remember this following movie scene, forever and ever, something so captivating and real by Kathy Bates and her Oscar winning performance that reminds me of mom, as we sat in the theatre, my sideway glances, wondering if she recognized herself.

Back then, though, we called it the "screaming meemies" and for such a dramatic scene, I remember we were laughing, giggling uncontrollably under our breaths as to not disturb the people around us.

A forewarning perhaps, as I sat with my mom in the dark, in my 30th year of life, innocently aware that years later I, too, would become my own Oscar winning actress and beseige upon my own children a menagerie of glass.

The first 40 seconds of this clip is what I wanted to capture for this post, however, it was only available in 9 minute segments. You can either stop it after 40 seconds, or continue the scene, but I seriously would recommend you get the full movie, Misery, to enjoy it's masterpiece in full length, starring Kathy Bates and James Caan, who also gave a kick-ass performance.

UPDATE: November 13

From momblogs NEWSLETTER released today:
Finally - If you want to put up a rate box/vote box on your site. To get your link ID and coding, just log in to your account at and then click on My Profile, then My Links and you will see Rate Me Box, click on that and grab the code. Your IP is tracked so you cannot continue to vote over and over for yourself. Remember - this is something that is meant JUST FOR FUN. Don't take it too seriously - but you can get your friends involved to vote for you if you want. Play nice, and don't rate other blogs just to bring their score down.

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