So now I ask, which is more offensive to post....
the fat chick
the skinny chick
Being a mother of a 15 year old girl and having her friends over everyday, it's a warning signal to listen for, when they begin to think they are fat, when they are not...it's almost a 24 hour struggle with appearance. Oh, sure, I could have said nothing, but how would these young people learn without their elders stepping in and saying "hey, just wait a minute".
And this same person believes it's appropriate to post pictures of your kids with their address in full view .... questioning, not only my concern, but their grandmothers - my mom - and we are simply being extreme. You know what, if you're going to criticize my mom, you better be leary of the wrath I will impale on yours. All you had to do was photoshop the address out and not send two fucking emails to say how wrong I am.
Up until 2 months ago we never knew this person, never met him before, yet we welcomed him into our home as if he was our long lost son. I don't think he'd appreciate a 21 or 22 year old boy telling his own mother to "lick my balls" and apologize if you want to see me again. Guess what, I will never apologize for your mistakes and misdirected attempts at humour and your immaturity to copy comments to your blog, in a long winded attempt to convince yourself "you're right".
... and this is why this person is no longer welcome here, and certainly he will not be missed by either my husband or my children, because we never knew you. But I sure know what sort of a person you are now, don't I. The question is, does your own sister know you and did she think your blog was funny?
Update: I understand my hubby called to apologize for my actions, however, this is not from me. Hubby still wants a connection to his family, despite the fact we never see them, call them, email, etc. Hell, none of them called on his 50th...so what family is he talking about?
Nov.17 ...11:30pm
Phil, you sure are mouthy when you've had a few beers, eh...do you actually read my blog, do you at least accept some responsibility in this mess? No wait, don't tell me, you'd rather continue spewing on your blog that --no one reads--- except for some lonely..okay, you know what...I'm not even going to respond to your friends....I am a mature woman, with a husband of 27 years and two wonderful children. I own a fantastic house and drive a Hummer...and my Christmas will continue as it always has,
So, while all this is going on, where in the hell is your father...you'd think a mature man would recognize an ill-behaved child and TELL HIM TO FAM A LA BOUCHE.
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