An excerpt from his post, Of Blogs and Bloggers, speaks true of other "favorited" blogs I read, and indeed, my own is guilty of such incongruous spew.
in·con·gru·ous (n-knggr-s) adj.
1. Lacking in harmony; incompatible: a joke
that was incongruous with polite conversation.
2. Not in agreement, as
with principles; inconsistent: a plan incongruous with reason.
3. Not in
keeping with what is correct, proper, or logical; inappropriate: incongruous
What he said:
That bloggers tend not to read the blogs of their fellows might be taken as incuriosity. But we might better call it discernment, because, if truth be told, most blogs aren’t worth reading. For starters, most sites are confusing because they have so much incongruous stuff on them, one doesn’t know where to start. They have photos, drawings, advertisements, and all manner of other irrelevant information which obscures the writings of the blogger. And isn’t writing the raison d’etre of blogging?
As to the writings on blogs, most are bilge because they are badly written and boring, borne of the monumental ignorance, illiteracy, self-absorption, narcissism, and solipsism of the bloggers. “Ranting” is a favourite word among bloggers, who, proudly proclaiming that they “rant”, don’t consider that to read these seemingly interminable “rants” is, for the reader, to suffer a torture only slightly below water-boarding and the other ingenious methods used to extract secrets from the unfortunates incarcerated at Guantanamo.
–noun 1. Philosophy. the theory that only the self exists, or can be proved to exist.
2. extreme preoccupation with and indulgence of one's feelings, desires, etc.; egoistic self-absorption.
Whew, I'm glad I didn't call my blog "Colleen's Rant".
In blog world it's my decision who I read, who I respond to, whether I am forced to skip over all the titties and beer blogs, or recipe and homemaker's guides, just like some folks who will skip over Carta Blanc because you need a frickin' dictionary to understand what the hell he's saying...I think it's okay to be part of both worlds sometimes....and so I leave you with my half today...

These four pesky critters have been showing up at the back door almost every night now, scratching at my window, ripping the screen door, grasping for pellets of food. They really like Sylvester's cat food, but it's costly and they eat like pigs.
But what's worse is when I don't feed them at the back door they race up to the front door, where my cat has probably taken refuge. And they piss, they piss like dogs and spray all over my evergreens and dig holes and do messy, solipsism things.
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