There's this blog, NaBloPoMo, National Blog Posting Month, where you sign up to join a group of other bloggers and the challenge is to make at least one posting to your blog each day, for the entire month of November.
Sounds simple enough, how hard can that be? Well, I'll tell ya...I've come across a few blogs sporting the NaBloPoMo badge with today's post, "why in the name of God did I join this?" and "what the hell was I thinking" yet it's only November 8. You know what, don't fret about it sweetheart, go watch Survivor....there's always December.
Frankly, I could care less about this sort of social networking. I'm not even certain if this NaBlowMe blog is really a blog. It has a MySpace sort of feel to it, Create Your Own Social Network for Anything, on NING.
You mean I can create my own social network, then get people to donate a buck to offset the cost of domain registration and hosting expenses. Nice try, bitch!
But that's not half as annoying as the "Thursday Thirteen" group who, as the name suggests, challenges a list of thirteen things...and this week we want thirteen of your favorite posts. So there I struggle, reading through my blogs I've diligently set as 'favorites', selecting the most worthwhile literary pieces of wit and elegance and bravura, only to link back to other challengers to discover their lists comprise of thirteen fucking pictures of their fat fucking cat.
Now I'm trying the momblogs. How bad can that be? I'm a mom, I occasionally pee my panties when I sneeze hard, come on now, you don't? You should have seen the size of forceps that butcher of a doctor used on me. But as luck would have it, all the mommys I've tried to be social with are either new moms with milk duct problems, or their kids are 2ish and they post pictures of first poos.
Just wait, just wait until you have your second kid and your vagina gets stretched like the Cat Woman's face.
Ha-ha I say....
damn you all and your social bonding, damn you all....isn't there a mommy out there who hates birthday sex?

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