So here's what's pissed me off today:
2010 Winter Olympics unveiled three official mascots for the 2010 Winter Games and Paralympics to hundreds of excited schoolchildren today, coincidentally at my daughter's high school, except she wasn't allowed to attend because she was
too old. Instead, they bused in a bunch of 6,7,8 year olds to hooray and cheer these figures, who look a lot like the Animee characters Hello Kitty and Pokemon...with the big black, sad eyes, puffed cheeks, Japanese cartoons.

The mascots were designed to resemble cartoon-like versions of a snowboarding sea bear (Miga), a sasquatch (Quatchi) and a winged "animal spirit" resembling both bear and bird (Sumi).
Sumi, for instance, is described as "an animal spirit who wears the hat of the orca whale, flies with the wings of the almighty thunderbird and runs on furry legs of the black bear."
Hello, my name is Colleeni, but you can call me "the fat white chick who rides a Hummer, but floats like a butterfly, and has hairy legs of Colleeni and, did I mention wears a hat, oh spirit".
Just adding 'spirit' makes all the difference.
Okay enough said, none of these characters represent British Columbia whatsoever, in likeness, in name, or in spirit...despite pointing out that the woods-living Quatchi is a big fan of hockey, with dreams of one-day being an NHL goalie. Oh, fuck off!
Nutfuck next door is at it again. Remember the Wonder Bread sandwich bag incident...well, yesterday she placed her garbage bin on our side of our property, where we store our garbage bin and bags. Normally, on this street, you place your bins on the right side of your driveway, like it has always been.....but NOOOOOO, fucktard is mad, we can tell by her plan of attack.
So hubby comes home from work and puts out the trash, but he places our stuff where he has always put it, and it's right up against her bin....making for one large pile for the garbage truck, hell, they may even pass us by as we are definitely over the limit of collection. We have one large plastic bin and 4 plastic bags full of shitty diapers, and she just has her one plastic bin and a 'blue box'. The trash collector may think this is all coming from one house!
But don't fret, dear hour later, I spy her on the street, in the first beautiful snowfall of the season, in a skimpy shirt, slippers...moving our garbage bags two inches off to the side, as to not touch her precious garbage bin.
Now, is this mental, or what...what's more mental is that I made hubby go out and put them back....HA! Gonna play with my garbage, eh! I don't think so, bitch.
Sabrina's orientation and mobility teacher had session again today, usually Tuesdays, and usually during gym period, which really pisses me off. Sabrina loves gym, but this idiotic special ed teacher is more concerned about her time schedule and picking up her own kid at daycare to make my kid miss something she truly loves. I'm going to erupt soon ... trust me.
Today, I learned Sabrina took a transit bus
ALL BY HERSELF. This may seem strange to other parents of teenagers, geez, what's so hard about that. Being visually impaired makes it hard and my kid has never had to rely on transit....she has me or her dad.
So, okay, she's going to have to learn sooner or later, right? But I have some serious concerns about she is taught.
Teacher: Just tell the bus driver you want off at Hyland.
Sabrina: But Hyland is 5 miles long...where?
Teacher: Oh grow up, figure it out...don't you know where you live?
Sabrina: No.
Well, okay, she does know where she lives, she can walk to Tim Hortons and Dairy Queen, etc. but she is always with a friend. This time she was alone, on a stinky bus, full of eager hindus wanting to get close. Well, this is what she told me!
I asked her how the bus driver knew when to stop near our street, and she said, he stops at all of them. I have since corrected her...explaining there is a bell, string pulley thing you yank to announce your intentions to stop at the next bus stop.
But then, I wondered,'s been 20 years since I've been on transit....has it changed? Do we now just yell out "I want my mommy!"