The ink is still wet on a new deal Les has just signed with Discovery Channel US to host another special on sharks called Surviving Sharks and, as of the writing of this newsletter, he is down in the Bahamas swimming with lemon, bull, tiger and reef sharks and will be heading to South Africa to cage swim with great whites in the new year. Last year, Les’ show Feeding Frenzy was the top rated show of Shark Week and Les also hosted the entire Shark Week special, introducing all of the shows. He will also host a special for Alaska Week called Surviving Alaska.
Please, Les, paleeze don't die. I hate sharks, especially when my favorite Survivorman is doing the dirty ditty with 'em. It just brings back memories of Steve Irwin, the Crocodile Hunter, when he was fatally pierced in the chest by a stingray spine whilst snorkeling at the Great Barrier Reef.

Irwin decided to take the opportunity to film some shallow water shots for a segment in the television program his daughter Bindi was hosting, when, according to his friend and colleague, John Stainton, he swam too close to one of the stingrays. "He came on top of the stingray and the stingray's barb went up and into his chest and put a hole into his heart," said Stainton, who was on board Irwin's boat the Croc One.
These thrill hunters/seekers truly place themselves in dangerous situations and as we, the viewers, watch week after week their video memoirs of survival, we tend to forget something could go wrong. Personally, I don't want Les to die, I didn't want Steve Irwin to die, I don't want adventurers to die for my entertainment.
But I'm a phobic on dangerous situations anyway...like last week when we went shopping in Wal-Mart. We were all in the toy section and I called out for Brandon. No response. I called out louder, "Brandon", no response. Louder. Then screaming his name. No response. I had instant flashbacks of the Cold Case shows I watch, of little kids who disappeared only to be found in the woods or in some shallow grave, sexually assaulted, mutilated, dead.
I thought for sure Brandon was on his way to some horrible fate and my instincts could only yell out his name, knowing I wouldn't be able to rescue him, despite his cries for mommy. His dad also frantic, running up and down the aisles looking for his blonde-haired son, who thinks he can defend himself against stranger-danger because of kickboxing classes.
Little bugger was off riding the escalator. With one hand, I grabbed him by his coat and hoisted him up: DON'T YOU EVER DO THAT TO ME AGAIN. And then I started crying in the middle of goddamned Wal-Mart, the manager thinking I was reacting to their low prices!
I suppose we all live in danger, take risks just by leaving the safety net of our homes.
In the end, we are all swimming with the sharks.
I purchased a Survivorman tee-shirt and hat over the internet for hubby for Christmas and I know he'll absolutely love them, and I have complete faith that Canada Post will have them delivered here on time.....
....sometimes I think I understand everything - then I regain consciousness.
And now for something completely different, more pictures of Whistler and cousin Phil's snow.

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