There's another survivor type show on television called MAN VS. WILD with Bear Grylls and it's similar to Survivor Man, Les Stroud, except Les doesn't have a camera crew following him like Bear does. It's still interesting to watch, but both tend to have varying methods as to how to survive.
For instance, drinking your own pee when you have no water. Les demonstrated how to use evaporation to purify urine using a 'solar still' type contraption he devised, using similar concepts as shown below. Les dug a hole and placed a container inside, peed in it, then covered it with a piece of plastic, created a down slope by placing a rock in the centre, then let the Kalahari sun do it's job.
The Man vs. Wild guy drank his pee straight up on the rocks, so to speak, which apparently is not good for you.

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