As suggested, it's a social utility that connects you with people around the world over the internet.

I only joined because I wanted to see pictures of a friend's wedding, but what I didn't realize is that you also get connected to things called "applications" that are surveys, games, contests, quizzes, rating things, ie. How Much of A Bitch Are You or How Sexy is Your Name. You receive hundreds of notifications to read messages, of who sent what to whom and what, insignificant crap of nothings because whatever got sent to you, got sent to all those on your FRIEND'S LIST, and vice versa.
Me, I've got 7 friends, while my sister has 245 in five continents and they all want to send each other cocktails, or hugs, or karma, or rumble with their dragon slayers and vampire thingys and werewolves, and they've laid down some serious smack on me. What? In the meantime, my "real" email application is receiving've got mail to read in Facebook. Ah, fuck! Not again.
It's too damned slow and once you find the notification of whomever sent you whatever, it's a POKE....poke me back! Ah, Fuck!

My Facebook profile is full of shit now, full of stuff I unknowingly signed up for, shit upon shit upon shit and now I've got people sending me emails because they want to be "my friend" so they can also receive shit.
Admittedly, I do enjoy the Blackjack game. Except I'm a sore loser and can't stand seeing "Dealer" receive five 21's in a row....the hard way, with hands, doesn't that seem like software programming to you? I have emailed Facebook and their "Report Abuse" line, but you only receive an automated response from Wendy Bean, stating,
"Sorry, we’re working hard to resolve this bug!! Pls reply to this message with a link to your profile - Log into FB, click on PROFILE, and copy the URL at top of pg., + include the number of pts lost. Tks, Wendy"
I also like to play the Scramble game, but there are a few assholes out there who use a software programme to decipher all the words in about 4 seconds can actually see the points appear, as the rest of us are on our third or fourth word at 20 points, suddenly Leena Cabeena has reached 246 points....then she has the nerve to post in the Chat Box, One...I'm number 1.
About the only game I play on Facebook where I know there is no software tweeks or game cheaters is the Scrabble Game....but it takes a day or so before your opponent makes his/her move, making for a long, drawn out game.... especially for someone like me, who apparently is now addicted to Facebook, despite it's flaws.
Especially after this test I took, the "What type of DRINK are you" and my results: YOU ARE WATER.
Water is often described as dull and flavorless, and you might be, too. Your ideal night out is a night a in, and it should stay that way because you might not be able to handle yourself around a crowd of people having fun. Not that the library isn't fun. If you drink at all, you probably spend most nights as the designated driver, and most mornings cleaning the puke out of your passenger seat. However, you do have your life together, and a great career ahead of you. Wuss.
1 comment:
Ha! thats exactly what its like. I did'nt know it was going to be so boring, annoying and slowww either yet there i am logging in a few times a day anyhow! The best thing there for me is Scrabulous. I tried the Scramble game but i don't get it and like everything else there, theres no instructions.
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