Thursday, February 18, 2016

Last Wishes ....

Previously, I wanted to have a full burial. Realizing the expense and actual burial plots available these days, I then decided cremation would be best ~ just as long as my ashes were released to the ocean's edge of Victoria Island ~ Tofino to be exact, where I met (of course) my beloved hubby.

So now after reading this FB poster, I've changed my mind. I not only want my ashes flung amongst the Japanese winds of jasmine that have reached Canada's shores in Tofino, I want my ashes to smell like popcorn.  Can you imagine the aroma.  Harmony.

PS: I still want some of me buried in the earth, you know, along with some hair follicle for DNA extraction (like Steven Speilberg did in the movie A.I. ~Artificial Intelligence~). I truly believe this will be possible one day.

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