Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Intuition and Quantum Physics: Who Knew!

There are no accidents because we are all connected as one.
 "Spooky actions at a distance" is what Einstein called it
== the "entanglement theory" or instantaneous communication.
This occurs when two particles are entangled, any change to one
of the particles creates an instantaneous change in the other,
regardless of the distances separating them.

I remember a trip my family took to Sechelt.  My dad decided
to go for a nice drive along the coast.  As we travelled further
away from town, my mom became anxious and nervous.
As we drove further away, my mom became panicky.
She pleaded "let's go back.  I don't like it here".  She said
something bad was ahead, something evil.
Dad shrugged it off and continued driving anyway.

By now my mom is screaming, "Turn back now!
There is something wrong ahead". My mom's panic lessened with every
mile back to town.  Then she was fine.

Was my mom picking up a signal from the Big Bang.  A connected
wave of thought, like radio waves, electromagnetc waves radiating
out into space. Did my mom pick up a frequency of evil,
previous, past or present.

My dad was angry we didn't get to see the mountains.  He believes
in physical proof, not some gut wrenching feeling.

At the quantum level and subatomic particles, most physicists think
that it is all chance and randomness. Probabilities rather than certainty.
So I suppose my mom probably thought something terrible would happen
to us, and she was certain of it.

"God does not play dice.", said Einstein. He was not willing to
give up the notion of classical physics. (Neither was my dad as previously noted.)
He proposed that there must be hidden factors, what he called hidden
variables, which really control events at the quantum level.

Einstein devised a thought experiment to show that the usual
understanding of quantum mechanics is incomplete. It pointed out a
paradox. If particles are governed by chance, then some of the
predictions of quantum theory would also indicate that particles
far apart from each other do not always behave independently.
The quantum potential is able because it contains “active information”
about the entire system.

In effect, it allows the particle to “JUST KNOW” the big picture.
In my mom's case, better safe than sorry.

Physicist John Bell, influenced by Physicist Bohm, proved
theoretically that to extend determinism to subatomic particles would
necessarily imply what has come to be called"non-locality", that particles
far apart from each other would have to be connected or
communicate at faster than the speed of light.

And that's why my mom insisted I be taken off the heat lamp at the hospital.
The nurse said I was too cold, only 3 hours old.  My mom sensed,
felt, connected to me as my blood began boiling inside, cooking.
She knew - three rooms away.  The nurse tapped the gauge above the heat
bed.  It was broken and was set on low, though it radiated extreme heat.

O what an entanglement web we weave.

Even though the quantum potential reinstates causality, it leaves
us with a universe very different from the commonsense world we
experience, or at least the one I could have easily missed out on had it not
been for my mom's refusal of objective reality.

The universe could not have happened of its own accord.
It relies on  the law of causality, and the complexity of the universe.
We affect each other with a signal of some sort, a communication,
that travels between us.

A reality where we, a bunch of particles are strung, really close together.

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