Sunday, March 24, 2013

The Last Peacock

This is so strange,  living in Canada, one would assume only Canadian Geese.

 However,  simply put,  Western Canada is very mild and we rarely receive snow.   Unlike, all those northern "well known" states that seem to be shut down by a winter's breath.   In British Columbia, we ski,  snowboard,  swim, sunbathe,  dance and be merry all year long.   Just as long as we have an umbrella in our hippie backpack that has a slight aroma of skunk.   *wink wink*

 But with warmer climates,  comes development,  and we are being developed over and over again.   Not from the inside out,  but from the outside in.   What remains are little pockets of "last hold outs" a few acres here and there,  farms,  old growth trees that can no longer be protected by legislature,  yet are standing tall because of a few folks who smell like skunk.

So it remains.   A peacock farm,  and a cockle of peas,  feathers and all,  abandoning their habitat to cat food,  and hummingbird troughs,  and artisan rock walls,  stoops and decks and RV shadows,  neighborhoods of similarly built houses,  row upon row,  street upon street, less trees upon lesser.

Here is a video clipping of one of the males, feathers fully opened.

1 comment:

Lizzie said...

Cool! Peacocks are so beautiful!