Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Hey! Who stole my bra ?!

My closet is full of old clothes. Nice, size 8 clothes that haven't seen the light of day in about 10 years. They are gradually being weeded out by my 16-year old daughter, who won't admit her own mom actually had some taste back when. But what I find sort of weird is that she has found an eagerness for my underwear drawer, you know, the bottom one you no longer open because it'll kill your back to bend over that far.

So now she wears my truly most favorite garment I had ever purchased for myself, a comfortable invention known as "The Wonderbra", which is a type of push-up underwire brassiere that gained worldwide prominence in the 1990s. The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC-TV) conducted an internet poll (2007), in which Canadian respondents ranked the Wonderbra 5th out of the top 50 "Greatest Canadian Inventions" (after Insulin, the light bulb and the telephone).

About my shoes.....I won't go there.

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