I enjoy blogging and have several readers from around the world drop in to read AND SEE what's happening in my neck of the woods, also known as "the most beautiful place on earth, British Columbia."

My site reader provides a lot of information and details about my readership, such as how they found me with a referring URL, sometimes with bizarre things googled like 'pee gag', 'mother twats', many 'Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas gifs' and Transformer instructions, etc., and these search criterias sometimes point to one of my blogging posts.
I've noticed many of these referrals simply state:
So I decided to see what it was.
Turns out it's a class course outline for "Blogging for Beginners"

What is a Blog? A random sample of blogs:
Irish blogs:
Present Tense
(by Shane Hegarty - a companion to his regular columns in the Irish Times)The Chancer (sort-of satirical look at popular culture and politics)
Eye-witness blog:
Baghdad Burning (one of thousands of blogs from Iraq)
Celebrity blogs
Stephen Fry When he's not selling you tea, or being brainy on demand ...Go Fug Yourself
Blogging about celebrities, not by celebrities.
Special interest blogs:
Whether it's cuddly toys or atonal music, there's a blog out there
...The Bathroom Blogfest Honestly, you couldn't make it up.
Personal diary blogs:
Just because you have nothing to say, doesn't mean you don't want to say it to the world anyway. Raccoons in your boiler room? Gotta tell the planet ...Who reads these blogs?
Yes, there's a lot of blog-rot out there, which is why you can now buy these.
The link stating "Who reads these blogs?" provides a blog example of blog-rot as stated by the teacher above, and yes, this link points to my blog.
WHAT! Why would my blog be used as an example of rot? I've seen so much bullshit and filth on bloggers, porn, adverts and home business nonsense, yet my little stories and pictures of my life is being used as an example of "who reads these blogs?" What lesson can these students possibly learn other than clicking on the second link which suggest they purchase this:

Furthermore, I do not blog for visual arts purposes. I blog my events of the day, which is a hell of a lot more purposeful than "using blogger as a notebook for artists". And, I do have readers, intelligent, well-educated folks who don't find my blog pretentious, as some are, because I speak from the heart, not because it's my job...or that I've been sitting in an Irish pub all night long getting shit-faced stupid, writing up course outlines.
I sent an email to this school and have demanded they remove this link to my blog from their class study. I hope this teacher who arranged this study outline considers first the hurtful feelings instilled by this blogger, maybe critique someone in his own country and not upon 'a good Canadian kid' half way around the world.
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