It started off as a regular lazy Sunday. Rain. TV repeats. Big bacon and eggs breakfast.
Cousin Phil came for a visit Saturday and spent the night over again, because I think he likes his new found family members, but especially has taken on a kinship with Brandon. Brandon simply adores Phil and won't leave him alone, always grabbing him around the neck to give him piggy-back rides, or whatever. Phil might act like he's a pest, but I sense he really enjoys being here, with us.
We're watching Transformers movie, high tech, super intense special effects movie and there's a knock at the door. Meanwhile, I have raced downstairs to the computer because Sabrina has screamed "someone is going to kill me in 2 days". So as I try to backdoor the whereabouts of "MSN Chris" and messaging back "YOU'RE IN TROUBLE NOW FUCKHEAD" -send-
I block the instant messaging to Sabrina's MSN. Done. It's as simple as that. Usually it's teeny-boppers out for some devious fun, although I take these sort of messages seriously. I contacted MSN and reported this abuse, because "FUCKHEAD" must be too stupid to realize that you can't be on MSN WITHOUT a legitimate email address, which points to and ISP, etc. etc. You're found.
As this was occuring, Daniel and Phil have already answered the door and are confronted by two RCMP officers. There's not enough room to talk on the stoop, so they end up on the street, which is where I race to when I realize there's two RCMP officers, and two RCMP police cars parked in front of my house. WTF !!!
Instantly, I'm thinking....No, can't this in regard to "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU" note to Sabrina?
But then I hear the words "FIRE", "BURN THE TOWNHOUSE DOWN", "BRANDON DID IT".
What !!!!!!!
I've missed the first few minutes of conversation with the police. Apparently there are TEN ....count them .....1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 witnesses that Brandon and his buddy lit a phonebook on fire near the townhouse complex, with intent to burn it down.
What !!!!!!!
Brandon has been inside with us all day, we've been watching movies, he's been with his cousin Phil all day. Brandon has not left the house at all....
Yet the line of questioning continues. And there's one cop who is an absolute prick, tells me to -shut-up- and let my son speak. But I don't shut up, because Brandon is being falsely accused by petty, snivelling parents who think Brandon bullies their sissified son, who by the way, is always the victim, yet he's a mouthy little shithead.
But it's more than that. It's between the "haves" and "have-nots". This boy has accused Brandon of many things, fact is, Brandon has been in trouble in the townhouse complex, for searching for fort material in their huge dumpsters, etc. But more transparent is the fact that kids prefer to "hang" with Brandon and all his cool stuff, than this boy -Colin-, who has not.
RCMP: "We have ten witnesses who saw Brandon".
Pissed off mom: "Name them, who are they, are they all kids"
RCMP: "We can't divulge that information, ma'm"
Pissed off mom: Bites tongue to avoid telling RCMP if he calls me ma'm again I'll punch him out, instead says "Are they all kids, and this sounds like a witch hunt, which kid is accusing, and the others following".
RCMP: "shut up - let your son speak"
Pissed off mom: "No, I have every right to defend my son of false accusation as serious as this. Brandon has been with us all day"
Cousin Phil: " Oui, has never left the house"
Dad: "We've been watching movies"
Pissed off mom: "Oh, let me guess, is this COLIN's mom and dad phoning you"
RCMP: silence, more silence....well,'s Colin who says he saw Brandon and Pravene running away from the fire. Now tell me, Brandon, what sort of person lights a fire."
Brandon: "I don't know...someone who is bad and thinks he's going to get away with it".
Pissed off mom: "There you go, we've had problems with these people lately, the father regularly yells at Brandon to "GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE" almost like he's going to attack Brandon.
But Brandon says he's done nothing and it seems to me they are parents who are over-protecting their sissified son, who cries for his mommy even if Brandon walks by to get the mail for me.
The RCMP officers look like they don't believe us. It's the word of a 9 year old boy and his parents, over us....and because Brandon has been mischievious at the townhouse complex in the past, it's automatically assumed it was Brandon who lit the fire.
The police leave. I sit and try to rationalize this event with hubby. No, this is not the end of it! I'm really pissed off. So I phone the RCMP desk and ask for the Supervisor in charge and I vent my frustrations with her over the fact my kid is accused of something as terrible as lighting a fire, when he's been at home ALL DAY LONG. I tell her it's unacceptable to send TWO police cruises to park in front of my house over this and demand answers. I want to know who are the TEN people accusing my son of lighting fires and why my neighbours are now peeking between blinds trying to hear what's going on.
She suggests we go talk to the parents of "COLIN" who, apparently, is the main witness.
I decide to telephone a parent of a girl who attends my daycare first, because I know she plays with this boy, Colin. I asked the mom, "was Janelle there, did she see Brandon".
"Yes, she was there, but she didn't see who lit the fire". Nor were the other kids hanging around the area, who happened to appear when the cops arrived and are now witnesses, "yes we saw the fire"...."must be Brandon"....witch hunt!
But the conversation continues...
"Do you know if the witnesses to this fire are all children, or were there adults around".
"Oh, yes...the Superintendent of the property saw Brandon, too".
Well, I'm getting boiling mad. Now an adult is falsely accusing my son. Hubby and I decide it's time to visit this townhouse complex to confront our accusers.
A little history first: This is a huge townhouse complex, several hundred, three story homes, no land plot, trailer park mentality dump, who take pride in saying they live in the Hyland "ESTATES", which are mostly composed of single mothers, renters and druggies, sorry-ass kids who HAVE-NOT, a place where they convince each other they are not living in poverty.
Hubby, pissed off mom, Sabrina and Brandon knock on accuser's door. Out steps out 6.5 ft Frankenstein, one eye looking left, one looking right. I speak first, introducing ourselves as Brandon's parents and that we understand you are accusing our son of lighting fires.....and pondering which eye I should speak to.
and he speaks loudly like this two inches away from hubbies face, oozing the smell of whiskey.
I can already tell. He thinks he's stronger than hubby because he's taller. But hubby doesn't step back at all, after all, he's wearing a Canadien's baseball hat. He allows the spit to spew on his hat and allows googly eyes to attack with is redneck stupor.
I gaze around the area, the complex, the tight community, the attempt of Martha Stewart living by placing cheap plastic pumpkin heads in their 4 sq.ft. mound of dirt, taping support beams with 'CAUTION, PROCEED WITH CAUTION' Halloween gimmicks, which really should be there all year long.
There are old Pintos and broken down trucks in the park and the kids play outside in this parking area, the only area they have to play, depressed loyalty amongst each other, who must absolutely hate Brandon and his house of wonders. Once again, Brandon's house is the talk of the town, and once again, he is the problem.
I step in and tell 'father' to calm down, that we are here to discuss the matter of fire. Colin steps outside.
I ask this boy, "why are you saying it was Brandon, did you actually see Brandon light this fire...Tell the truth".
Colin hesitates, head droops down in shame, then up towards his parents. "Well, it looked like Brandon. I'm not really sure if it was him, but I know I saw Pravene".
This is enough for me. The kid can't even admit he saw Brandon, yet it was enough for his parents to call police to RAID my house over this. This is why I am PISSED OFF !!! and the TEN witnesses, are NONE. This is a lie given to the police. It was the Superintendent who put the fire out, but didn't see who started it, poverty aligns with poverty once again.
Even if it was this boy, Pravene (who Brandon does play with at school), he is found guilty by association. I don't know if Pravene was there or not, but I do know my son wasn't. He was home ALL DAY LONG.
Then the dad goes into a rant of Brandon mischief, nothing significant, always about another boy who Brandon knows, and he did this to my son, choking him, and your son was there. But he wasn't doing it. Meanwhile, the mom is shaking her head.
I then ask her, "you don't believe us, do you? Do you think we would waste our time to come all the way down here to talk to you about this, as serious as this. My son has been home all day!"
Trailer Park Mom: "Well, I believe my son, you're son did it".
Pissed off mom: "But your kid just admitted he didn't really see Brandon, he's not certain".
Googly-eyed drunk fart dad: "Hey now, I'm gonna' tell you you smoke? and picks up a lighter from the burnt phone book, "coors light emblem", I can't believe you don't smoke, huffing a large breath of tar. What a drunk, I'm thinking....don't lower our class to yours, fuckhead nothing, googly eyes nobody. He's Uncle Steven all over again. I'm better than everyone.
He's an idiot. Convinced his son is the victim, sweet baby boy, as well as mom. He's nothing less than expected here at Hyland Estates...he's merely a drunk with issues that he can't afford ATV's or boats, or trailers or electric scooters for his kid.
He lights a cigarette instead. Probably using the same lighter his son used to light the fire.
At the same time, the two RCMP officers also dragged into complaint that Brandon has been ATVing in "their" complex.
NOT!!! Not one fucking inch. And I knew instantly, how jealous these people are.
The mom is shaking her head, like Uncle Steven does when he is in disbelief in his mind, yet he doesn't realize that he is actually shaking his head to and fro, and I pick up on this gesture and confront her.
"YOU'RE SON IS A BOLD FACE LIAR". There I go again.
Suddenly, Martha Stewart has left the building and this woman starts screaming and hooting and hollering, "YOU'RE IN TROUBLE NOW...IF YOUR SON EVER STEPS FOOT ON MY PROPERTY AGAIN I'M GONNA KILL HIM" and her husband tries to hold her back from attacking me. I'm kind of excited now....hell ya, I want to punch out your smirky face, too, dirt-bag, scum-skag, welfare fuckhead, nobody, douche-bag.
Then she's up and down, and Frankenstein shoves her inside the door to cool her down. Hubby is also mad at me, for opening my mouth, when the conversation was sort of going smoothly.
But not for me. She is convinced Brandon lit the fire, just by the word of her sissy son. I looked at his face, over and over again, and I can tell: HE DID IT. HE AND JANELLE. THE FIRE GOT OUT OF HAND, THEY RAN FOR HELP, THE SUPERINTENDENT CAME TO PUT THE FIRE OUT, AND INSTANTLY THEY ACCUSE THE EASIEST TARGET....BRANDON.
And I know from many movies, and reading books, it is usually the ACCUSER who is the GUILTY ONE.
So, I basically walk away from the townhouse and tell Frankenstein to shove his kid's accusation UP HIS ASS. I've had enough.
At home I phone the RCMP Superintendent in charge, explain that, Colin, the accuser, has LIED. He is not certain if it was Brandon he saw or not. I complain this is not enough evidence to send TWO POLICE CRUISERS to my house and I demand answers. I am not afraid of police authority. I know a few police officers who are nothing but DRUNKS and they are not more moral than I am, than hubby, or cousin, or anyone.
"Just the facts, ma'm, just the facts" is the motto I live by.
The head Supervisor person will be phoning me tomorrow. I have left messages with all police officers involved, telling them how unhappy I am and how a little boy can accuse another of a serious crime, without hard, cold evidence. Instead, calling the police to make themselves feel better about themselves and their petty little townhomes, and petty little kids who whine and cry for ATV's, or electric scooters, or battery operated airplanes that fly 50 feet in the air, or that his dad drives a Hummer, or that his house is decorated for Halloween.
Or that he has a lunchbox with food to eat.
We need to move. This area is full of accusers.
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