May 10, 2007:
The office at Sabrina's school had called me to inform me of a "little emergency". As far as I'm concerned, there's no such thing as a petite or grand one.....I'm already assuming death by the phone call alone.
Je suis des-o-lay...Sabrina was morted by a le petite grand mal (seizure).
Ok, now I'm making fun of the french language and the stupid office people at the school....hey, guess what...Francois, Yves'la'Vek'......and all your weird other men names....WE ALL DON'T SPEAK FROG ! OKAY ! And quit calling me Madam Bergeron...it pisses me off, you bunch of cheese heads.
I'm pissed off about the initial phone call....la petite emergency.......

and that an ESM plan was not put in place....it seems there was no first aid protocols practiced at the onset of injury. Sabrina was NOT assessed, no level of first aid was provided for her, though there should have been at a secondary school.
Their "petite emergency" was to call me, the parent, and have me come and pick her up at school. And if not me, then call her father, who is also working 40 km away from the school, and is not reachable by phone.
When we could not provide either transport, someone in the office reluctantly drove Sabrina home.
I think I should check into these scbool board policies and protocols, as I am fairly certain, Sabrina did NOT receive adequate first Emergency Response...at a public school, as she could have been suffering more from the obvious trauma....such as further eye injury, a hereditary infliction already impeding her sight. An ambulance should have been called immediately for the medical care of my daughter.
They should have NOT swept the action into my hands, at my workplace, where I am NOT the first responder. Coincidentally, I received three phone calls from the school, thereafter....when they removed the liability from their school grounds.
Trust me...I am checking into that.
UPDATE: May 15, 2007

what the hell, i dont understand what happened here. Was she playing baseball? thought she wasnt allowed to. Email me so we can get this straight. It looks horrible, poor Sabrina! i have to say i'm anonymous cuz i cant remember my pw for this, also havin trouble getting int my email and these puters painfully slow
Sabrina wasn't playing baseball, she was watching from the sideline...some kid hit the ball, then went running for first base, but he threw the bat away when he started to run. One boy in her class commented "maybe the bat will knock some sight into her"....Sabrina doesn't want to go back to school...she has missed 40 days of school and will probably fail grade 9. No one wants to be her partner to projects, or pick her to be on their sport team.
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