I had this eerie feeling about him tonight, like I've seen him before, in another life....

CoJo looks more like this now, a chubbier face, because of all the meds he must take for his kidney transplant, but gosh, don't you think he looks like Chastity Bono.

You know, Sonny and Cher's kid. I loved that show.

So, back to the Golden Globe Awards, full of Keifer Sutherland and his hit show "24", then there's Prison Break. I understand both will air on Monday evenings at 8pm. Who do I pick? I love both shows and this is killing me, almost as much as parents who name their kid Wentworth. Come on now. What in the hell name is that. Wentworth. I looked it up, Google says it's a parliamentary constituency in South Yorkshire, and if I want to know more about the genealogy I'll have to pay $24.99 for a subscription...screw that, I'll just let my mind sort it out in a big school yard fight.
What if I show up at work and everyone watched Jack Bauer's escape from a nuclear blast, saving humanity, with speed dial to every presidential elect, three terms in a row, and I tuned into watch Michael Scofield's escape back into prison instead. Oh, I am going to be such a loser geek, then there'll be whispers of my mental stability and loyalty to the realities of television.
Dilemma: "24" or Prison Break.

Oh, yes, T.V. land, you play a naughty game. You've played me a thousand times before in your prime time wars. Do I get invited to lunch with the cool people, or am I brown-bagging it with my just desserts being a fleeting memory of Wentworth's flourescent eyes.
Keifer or Wentworth....Keifer, actually that's kind of weird name, too.

Oops, sorry...wrong Sutherland, but you must admit, father and son look alike,


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