Hubby refuses to drive it to work...in the rain. He doesn't want to get it dirty! So he takes our old crappy van and he got a flat tire this morning, which is why I was forced to drive the beast. Parking is a bit tricky at our house as the driveway can accommodate only two vehicles. Following is a picture which is similar to our travel trailer, which takes up one of those spots.

We've been having problems with fuck-face next door again, so we moved our trailer to the side closer to her house, and had it stick out ....way, way out, LOL! This was our solution to get her to stop yelling at my customers as they park in front. Stupid retard shithead called the By-law officer on us, except when he told me I had to move the trailer, I told him to take another look at the end of the road, especially for the sign that reads 'PRIVATE ROAD'. I own the road, fucktard next doors owns it, too...and there's nothing By-law can do about it.
In April we will bring out our boat and it will be stored beside the trailer, which will mean the hummer and van will be parked on the road, but only until both recreational vehicles are moved to our lake site in May.
Since this post is about trucks, etc. I thought I'd steal some pictures off my mom's blog to show you pictures of my dad's prize-winning 1940 Ford.